Skip to main contentHarold Fregoe
Jim Spotts, Jim’s Rare Serials
Pat McCarthy
David Rosen
Vernon Calaman
Vincent “Pug” Pugliese, Ford Clearing House
Tom Petty, Vintage Neon
Henry Palanci
Tom Harle
Melvin Class
Art Reisinger
Gerald Holsinger
Elliott "Junior" Detweiler
Sam Beacom
Chuck Cleland
Red Dellinger
Billy Dickerson
Bill Salomone
Leo Cerruti
Mel Major
Ray Stevens
Bob Lichty
Bruno Kochanczyke
Harry Mills
Frank Mitchell
Bus Ebersole
Elwood Heagy
Stan Carpenter
Leo H. Miller Sr.
Bob Straw
Dave Walter
Angie Bryant
Steve Arcoleo
Herb Singe
William Schild
Thomas English
Sam Spring
Morgan Ruth, Ruth Motors
Bill Ey
Bob Homan
Norman Woy
Ed Kimble
Gertrude Miller
Paul Pavano
Dan Stoltzfus
Duke Carter
Nat Adelstein
Gene & Susie Barnette
Tony Carol
Ernie Franks
Bob Anderson
Ernest Leveillee
Dan "Swish" Swisher
Dave Ficken
Bill Smith
Adam Lesher
Dave Mihalko Sr.
Dan Gregory
Tod Kelly
Reeves Callaway
Bert Patrick Melody
Ronnie King
Ron Heller
Tom Ross
Randy Weaver
Earl 'Easy Earl' Bonenblast
Anthony Iezzi
Tom Placer, Flashback F 100
Iona Ross, Cookies Cool Canopies
Tom Young
Carl Mantegna
Olin Cook
Don Mason, R 12 Freon Replacement
Bob Johnson
Howard Applegate
Saul Smiler
Jerry Longrie
Jerry Dooley
Leon DeMaris
Bill & Louise Hoover
Charlie Shalbaum
Dennis Carpenter
Thomas Contois
Bernie Smith
Myron Plotkin
Glen Leib
Kenny Buttolph
Paul Hippensteel
George Lilieholm
Bob Paris
Chuck Cleland
Frank Rangelli
William Hodges Jr.
Ritt Jones
Tom Gleave
Ray Neiman
Andre Blaquiere
Mike J. Harris
Ron Booher
Carlisle Events is a family owned business and we consider our automotive flea market vendors, midway vendors, showfield participants, spectators and friends of the hobby our family, as well. Sadly, we have lost many of these friends over the years, and want to remember them here as a way to pay tribute to their spirit and contributions within the hobby.
One of the many “friends of Carlisle” to have passed since our inception was the man who co-founded what’s been known as Carlisle Events for decades, Elliott “Chip” Miller. Chip was a die-hard Corvette enthusiast and was the mind behind the 1982 launch of Corvettes at Carlisle. Sadly, Chip passed away in March of 2004 from a rare disease known as Amyloidosis. His commitment to the hobby led to a posthumous induction into the National Corvette Museum’s Hall of Fame in 2005. To this day, his legacy lives on in many ways. Annually at Corvettes at Carlisle, a special display dubbed “Chip’s Choice” showcases a different theme and offers some of the best Corvettes around, the kind of cars Chip would have liked. Further, his namesake foundation carries on his legacy while helping raise awareness and support for those impacted by Amyloidosis. If Chip were here today, he’d remind us all that “Life is Good.” While he and other friends of Carlisle have left us, none of them will ever be forgotten.
Our dedicated bench program offers a wonderful opportunity for a statement of appreciation. Your bench plaque message can remember that special someone, pay tribute to a family member or friend, recognize your club, leave a message, or you can give a gift that will last for years. There are currently more than 50 benches on the facility. Plaques are made of aluminum and measure 12 inches wide by four inches tall. For more information, cost, placement and ordering, please contact Tami at 717-243-7855 x189, tamid@carlisleevents.com.
Book online or call (800) 216-1876